WNAM REPORT: The first stage of the third integrated Olympiad “Talented Descendants of Oguzkhan” for high school students of the country has started at the Oguz Khan Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan.
About 25 thousand students of grades 9-12 of secondary schools from all over Turkmenistan are taking part in the Olympiad.
The intellectual competition is organized in 3 stages – at the etrap, velayat and state levels.
The first stage of the Olympiad will last until March 15, the second is scheduled for April 8.
Those who successfully pass the qualifying rounds will meet at the final stage of the Olympiad, which will take place during the summer holidays.
A rich program will be organized for the finalists of the competition, which will include sports competitions, interesting excursions, educational activities and other events.
The winners of the III integrated Olympiad “Talented Descendants of Oguz Khan” will be awarded diplomas and valuable gifts from the university, as well as letters of recommendation for admission to higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan and foreign countries.
The winners of the Olympiad will be included in the “Golden Fund” “Talented Descendants of Oguz Khan”, whose members enjoy preferential admission to the Oguz Khan Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan.