Trump is all praise for Modi and New Delhi’s animosity against Pakistan is well known so those who consider the new American President as pro-Pakistan are living in a fool’ s paradise .Trump doesn’t like growing influence of Beijing in the part of the world we live in and India is also at daggers drawn with China so Trump has found in Modi a common friend to put up a joint front against China.
The common man of this country expects that those who move in the corridors of power in this country will not become a party to any conspiracy of American CIA aimed at hitting China in any field of life. Unfortunately there is no dearth of the American lobbyists in this country who had not allowed development of our good relations with the Kremlin after the creation of Pakistan which leaned so much to Washington that an air strip was handed over to Pentagon near Peshawar from where a US spy plane used to fly over the then Soviet union for taking photographs of Soviet military installations till it was shot down by the Russians and it spilled the beans.
That episode marred our relations with Moscow for a very very long time. We had better not commit such a mistake again as this time round. It is apprehended that the Americans would like Pakistan to toe its line in its relations with Beijing. Let us hope that once bitten twice shy our leaders, like Iran won’t allow the US to dictate terms to us Americans need to be told in unambiguous terms that while we would like to maintain cordial bilateral relations with them but would never ever allow our soil to be used against any country in this region by them for any activity that may damage our age old time tested relations with China which has proved itself to be an all weather friend of ours through thick and thin. (This article reflects author’s opinion and not necessarily the views of WNAM )