WNAM REPORT: President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov congratulated citizens on the adoption of the Resolution “Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan” by the UN General Assembly.
In his address, the head of state called the adoption of the resolution a historic event of global significance, which confirms the international recognition of Turkmenistan’s foreign policy. The President especially emphasized that this diplomatic act is a high assessment of the country’s humanistic policy aimed at ensuring peace and development.
Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that the adoption of the resolution was a great achievement of Turkmen diplomacy and confirmed the legal status of the country’s permanent neutrality for the third time. According to him, this document raises Turkmenistan’s international authority as a democratic, legal and peace-loving state to a new level.
The head of state expressed sincere gratitude to all countries that supported the initiative and emphasized that neutrality is the main instrument for ensuring global stability and security.
In conclusion of his address, Serdar Berdimuhamedov congratulated the Turkmen people on this significant event and wished them peace, well-being and prosperity.