The tribal belt stretching from South Waziristan up to Bajuar has always been a very sensitive area since its administrative control lies in the hands of governor KPK. It had always been the policy of the federal government to hand over this gubernatorial office to a person who knew the ins and outs of the area fully besides being fully abreast of the psyche of tribesmen living in it and also of their Riwaj and customs.
It is the considered opinion of the political observers of this country belonging to all shades of public opinion that of all the present political leaders belonging to KPK the fittest man for the job was Anwar Saifullah Khan belonging the famous poor friendly Saifullah family of southern district Lakki of the KPK who not only is a seasoned politician of the area besides having an excellent track record as a bureaucrat as he had served as deputy commissioner and assistant commissioners also at many places.
In one of his previous stint as president Asif Ali Zardari wanted to appoint him as governor KPK. It was the time when ANP and PPP were political allies. When the ANP got the wind of it Zardari was informed by its leadership that in case that was done the ANP would not remain an ally of PPP. The reason behind that change of heart on its part was that father of Anwar Saifullah Khan, Barrister Saifullah Khan had supported the famous referendum in the then NWFP against the wish of the then Congress party of India of which ANP is an offshoot forcing Zardari to back off from his decision. It is rightly said that there is no last word in politics which has no heart in its chest .
By that back tracking KPK was deprived of the services of a person who could have brought sanity and peace in the turbulent tribal belt of the KPK because of his excellent public relations and deep knowledge of tribal affairs.