The Foreign office deserves hosannas for meticulous administrative arrangements made by it for holding the Shanghai cooperation conference in Islamabad which certainly has added another feather in the cap of the government. About 40 percent of the world population, almost half of it lives in the countries which participated in the said conference which waxed eloquent of its significance.
In his concluding speech on the occasion the prime minister very rightly underscored the need on the part of Kabul rulers not to allow the terrorists use the soil of Afghanistan for carrying out subversive activities in Pakistan.
A number of far reaching agreements among the participating countries were signed on the occasion which on their materialization will boost economy of the Shanghai cooperation conference member countries. It was a healthy sign for the foreign affairs of the country that both China and Russia were found on the same page. The participation of Russia proved that its differences with Beijing on some international issues were now things of the past.
By remaining on the right side of these two countries which are super powers in today’s world Pakistan will be spared of many conspiracies carried out by its enemy countries. Shanghai cooperation conference has certainly cemented our ties with these two big neighbourly countries of ours.