It was certainly no mean task to recover the hijacked train passengers from the clutches of terrorists in the military crackdown against them as they had used the hijacked women and children as a shield against the military action against them.
Now when the dust has settled down we must get down to the brass tacks and root out the factors that had led to this unfortunate episode .
Let us admit that the federal government had never been parsimonious in sanctioning monumental developmental projects like Aghaz Haqooq Balochistan in the past but it is a pity that a big chunk of the money earmarked for development of the province was always gobbled up by the tribal chieftains of the area. A majority of them who are now glorifying the BLA are very those leaders who had lined their pockets with the money meant for developing their area.
Those who move in the corridors of power today will have to, in the first instance, post those civilian officers in the administrative set up of Balochistan who enjoy good reputation and are persons of impeccable financial integrity. The federal government should allocate fifty percent of its annual budget amount to Balochistan for carrying out developmental activity in Balochistan and for monitoring spending on it a strict fool proof check and balance system be put into effect, so that no body is able to gobble up any money out of it.
Close meetings with Iranian and Afghanistan government should be made a regular feature for ensuring that anti Pakistan foreign element does not use Pak-Afghan and Pak-Iran borders for smuggling and subversive activities.
Needless to add that an example of BLA will have to be made out, if we are to ensure that such type of terrorist organisations do not raise their ugly heads there again.