WNAM REPORT: President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov warmly congratulated the participants of the International Conference “International Year of Peace and Trust: The Role of Interregional Economic Cooperation in Ensuring Sustainable Development”, which began its work in Ashgabat.
The forum is timed to coincide with the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s permanent neutrality.
“This forum plays a great role in ensuring economic stability in the Central and South Asian region, the effective implementation of energy, transport and infrastructure projects, as well as in increasing investment potential in the relevant areas,” the welcoming address says.
The Central and East Asian region has ample opportunities to intensify the implementation of international projects and establish multilateral cooperation. Turkmenistan is actively implementing regional energy, transport and infrastructure projects, consistently developing mutually beneficial partnerships with countries of the world and major international organizations. All this has great geopolitical and geoeconomic significance and plays an important role in ensuring energy security in the region, the interconnectedness of transport and transit corridors, and actively attracting investment in national and regional projects. In this regard, guided by best practices, the national programs are based on important tasks related to economic development through diversification.
“Our country is establishing constructive partnerships with countries of the world, international organizations and leading companies. In this context, the main vectors of interaction include the development of energy and transport systems, and the implementation of other infrastructure projects. We see great potential in regional cooperation in these areas. As one of the energy-powerful states in the region, Turkmenistan is today becoming a crossroads of international transport and transit corridors. This is clearly evidenced by the adoption of resolutions related to the transport sector and energy security by the United Nations General Assembly on the initiative of our neutral country, as well as major projects implemented in these areas in recent years,” the President notes.
As a result of large investments in energy, transport and infrastructure projects, the power of the country’s national economy is strengthened. The active participation of authoritative international organizations, including international financial institutions, in the implementation of these projects, which provide for the general development of the countries of the region, opens up new opportunities in expanding foreign economic relations and developing the economy through diversification.
“I am firmly convinced that the conference will become an important platform for exchanging experience in issues related to ensuring sustainable development in all areas of the economies of the countries of the region, the introduction of modern innovations and investment opportunities,” the head of state concluded, wishing the conference delegates good health, family well-being and great success in their work.