For quite some time now hardly a day goes by when we don’t lose our valiant Army-men and Police personnel in acts of terrorism in the country. There is not an iota of doubt that terrorism is being engineered from across the Durand Line. The butcher’s bill is mounting by the day.
There is a belated realization now that FATA should not have been merged with the KPK as it has done more harm than good to the law and order of the tribal belt and the revenue districts bordering it. Had the age old system of collective tribal territorial responsibility been allowed to function in the tribal agencies, things would have been much better there on the law and order front today.
How to remedy the situation
To many while it would be difficult to put the clock back but what could be done is to
revisit the merger document and take corrective steps for removing kinks and knots from it after a detailed consultation with the old political agents who had practical administrative experience of service in the tribal areas and tribal chieftains.